Real Berry Ice Creams

By now if we’re friends over on Insta or the ol’ F.Book, you might have seen that we’ve gallivanted off to Bali for an extended Easter break. It started out as a long Easter weekend sojourn, but somehow managed to stretch out a week either side (the flights were cheaper ok?). So here we are, basking in the glorious Indonesian heat, with the odd midday retreat into the air con (that midday sun is a killer for whities like me!).
But I couldn’t just talk about Bali with you (although if you’d like to see a bit of Balinese food porn, you can check out my Insta stories and “Bali” highlights here). Somehow I had to bring some of that summer lovin back over to you.
So why not squeeze in one final ice cream recipe, before summer ducks away from us, and autumn rears her gorgeous auburn head. These Real Berry Ice Creams are inspired by those summer fruit stalls you sometimes find, where they churn frozen fruit with yoghurt, creating a deliciously creamy concoction. Although these ones are 10x healthier (and you can make them at home!).
Yep, these super refreshing Real Berry Ice Creams are…
- Done in 2 simple steps, that’ll take you 5 mins all up;
- Made with 5 easy whole food ingredients;
- Super low in sugar, with the added gut-loving benefits of probiotics;
- Contain a secret veggie component (don’t tell the partner/hubby/kids); and
- Are the most delicious frozen treat, so virtuously healthy you could even have them for breakfast!
Grab the last moments of summer and give these ice blocks a go. I’ve included a link to some of my favourite ice block molds too (as I know you’re bound to ask!). Enjoy…
Meanwhile, I hope you’ll try these delicious ice creams! They really are so good considering how ridiculously short the ingredients list is. Tag me if you make them, I LOVE seeing your remakes! On Insta with the tags @begoodorganics and #begoodorganics, on my FB page here, or just in the comments below. We’re going to be starting a monthly round-up email in the coming weeks, and I’m thinking to include some of my favourite remakes of yours there. So make sure you tag me on anything you make from the blog each week, so you can be in the running for a feature!
Wishing you the most wonderful weekend. Til next week, stay happy and well.
PS If you like this recipe, I’d love you to pin it on Pinterest, share it on Facebook, post your recreation on Instagram (tag me @begoodorganics and #begoodorganics), or share it with your family and friends. Also, if you’re not already subscribed to my weekly recipe emails, be sure to do that here, and don’t miss my next recipe video by signing up to my YouTube here.
And, if you’re interested in one-on-one advice, I have a small number of Naturopathic and Nutrition consultations available each week, either in person or via Skype – you can find more information on those here.
Please note – if you are wanting to meet any of the specific dietary requirements below, please read my recipe notes.
- 1 1/2 c berries
- 1/2 c grated beetroot
- 2 c greek/plain coconut yoghurt
- 4 tbsp liquid sweetener
- 1 vanilla bean scraped OR 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
- Blend yoghurt, 3 tbsp sweetener, and vanilla bean in a blender until combined. Pour into molds to around 2/3 full.
- Blend berries and beetroot with the remaining 1 tbsp sweetener until they form a puree (some texture is ok though!). Pour on top of the yoghurt mix.
- Using a knife, push the berry mix down all four sides of the moulds to create a swirled effect, then place in freezer to set overnight.
- The next day, or when ready to serve, run the moulds under hot water, and remove the ice creams. You can now stack them in a container until ready to lick/bite/devour!
Recipe Notes
- You guys always ask me about ice block moulds, so here are some of my favourite ones here! I recommend checking out these ones here, these ones here, or these ones here.
- Make it keto: Swap the liquid sweetener for a few tablespoons of erthyritol, or 1/4-1/2 a teaspoon of stevia powder. Taste to your liking, as all sweeteners can vary in their sweetness level.
- If you don’t have yoghurt handy, you can substitute this for 1 1/4 c cashews +1 c water. Just make sure to blend until super creamy and smooth.
- If you’re allergic to coconut, or just don’t like it, feel free to use your favourite non-dairy yoghurt. Just check if it’s sweetened or not because, if so, you may be able to omit the added sweetener (I used plain, unsweetened greek coconut yoghurt here).
- Use fresh berries if you can access them but, if not, then frozen are also great! I prefer fresh (and in bulk) wherever possible though, purely for the reduction in plastic used. Ideally you’ll go to a berry farm and pick a whole kilo of your own, and put in a reused container = no plastic whatsoever!
- If you don’t want to use beetroot, you can just increase the berry measure to 2c.
- For the vanilla, you can also use 1 tsp of vanilla extract in lieu of bean or powder. Vanilla extract however does contain a little alcohol, and therefore I prefer reserving it for cooked/baked recipes where the alcohol evaporates. For raw/uncooked recipes like this, I prefer using the bean or powder if you have it – it’s the nicest in terms of flavour! I use these beans here and this powder here.