Hi there! I’m Buffy
Welcome to Be Good Organics, my haven of plant-based nutrition and health. Since January 2013, I’ve been sharing my love of plant-based food here, through hundreds of delicious, easy, vegan recipes. As a qualified Nutritionist and Naturopath, I can’t wait to support you with your health too, through a plant-predominant diet and lifestyle.
I spend my time between Auckland and Waiheke Island New Zealand, with my partner Tony (an Ethical Investment Advisor who loves his stocks), our two crazy kids Mila 7 and Torin 3, and our Burmese cats, Zeus and Luna.
My health journey
In late 2011 I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease, an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks itself and causes the thyroid (a small butterfly shaped organ in your throat) to become overactive, or hyperthyroid.
I began experiencing a full-blown cocktail of symptoms – anxiety, insomnia, body sweats, tremors, overactivity in the nether region, and a bulging left eye (google some pics if you will). I also lost a lot of weight, and my reproductive system completely shut up shop.
I was in my late 20’s, healthy and fit. There was no genetic history of the disease in my family. The ‘random chance’ argument suggested by specialists didn’t seem to tell the full story. So while I embarked on the conventional medicine course of treatment (taking up to 12 pills per day), I also began my own research into what could be the true underlying cause of my health issues.
“Organic healthy plant-based foods have the ability to heal.”
What I discovered was seriously new. That organic plant-based foods have the ability to heal, while processed animal-heavy foods have the power to harm. That a stressful environment can trigger a number of diseases, including autoimmune and cancer. And that there are hundreds of toxic chemicals in our everyday skin care, make-up, body lotions, hair care, perfume, and household cleaning products, that can also cause disease.
After much thought, I decided to quit my corporate job of eight years as a Financial Research Analyst with Goldman Sachs – the only thing I’d done since University, and the only thing I thought I could do. I took a few months to focus on my own healing. But it wasn’t long before my mind began swirling about how I could share these new-found discoveries with others. Just 12 months after my diagnosis, I launched this blog – Be Good Organics. Wanting to learn even more, and be able to support the advice I was giving others with solid evidence-based science, I went back to University for four years and completed a Bachelor of Nutrition and Natural Medicine.
Come join me, and reap all the same benefits I’ve experienced. I know how much of a positive effect it’s going to have on your life.
Work With Me
Nutrition & Naturopathy
As a qualified Nutritionist and Naturopath with over five years clinical experience, I focus on a holistic approach to treating your health and nutrition concerns.