Should Men Be Using Organic Skin Care?

Lads, think you don’t need to take care of your skin? Check out some of these facts:
- According to a 2012 study, men with healthy skin colour are more attractive to women than those with a masculine face. Researchers pointed out it was “healthy” skin that was most attractive.
- Because men are less likely to keep an eye on their skin, they are more at risk of having an advanced melanoma requiring radical treatment. Statistics show more than 50% of annual melanoma deaths are white men, 50 years and older.
- Men are typically out in the elements more than women, subjecting their skin to more UV rays, environmental pollution, wind damage, and other factors that all work together to age the skin, producing wrinkles and hyperpigmentation.
- According to studies, good looking gents earn 5% more than their less-attractive counterparts. In a survey of corporate hiring managers, it was found that more than half the respondents recommended that prospective employees devote as much time on “making sure they look attractive” as on polishing their resumes.
For these reasons and more, men need to seriously think about switching over to natural organic skincare. Here are some more reasons why, and how you can get started – or help your man get started now!
Skin Health Matters
Men should be concerned about their health. Skin cancer is a serious illness, and melanoma can be very dangerous. At the very least, men should be using sunscreen, but beyond that, they need moisturisers that are filled with protective antioxidants. Protecting against skin cancer is the number-one reason to think about using skincare – and to regularly examine your skin for any suspicious moles or other wounds.
You’re Already Doing It
Skin care for men isn’t really a new concept. Men have been washing their skin for ages, and have used shaving creams and gels to condition it before applying a razor. They’ve used an aftershave to soothe shaved skin, and sunscreen to protect it before heading out to the beach.
Just like you probably don’t use the same hair care products men used fifty years ago, it’s now time to update your skin care. Soaps can be drying, and aftershave may do little to truly soothe your skin and encourage wound healing. Adopting some changes in your skin care routine doesn’t mean you need to spend hours in front of the mirror or use creams that smell like flowers. Using ingredients that can improve the health and appearance of your skin, however, can be quick, easy, and extremely beneficial.
Do You Have to Buy Separate Products?
Many men don’t want to spend the time or the money shopping for skin care that’s made uniquely for men, and wonder if they can use women’s products. Depending on the products, the answer is most likely yes. There are some differences between men’s and women’s skin, but a lot more similarities. Both men and women need cleansing, toning, moisturisation, antioxidant protection, and anti-aging products, for example.
In fact, the differences between men’s and women’s skin may be more like the differences between skin in general. Men’s skin tends to be oilier than women’s on the whole, and therefore more suited to oily skin products. When using natural organic ingredients however, the benefits are universal.
Appearance Matters for Men, Too
In today’s visual world, appearance seems to matter more than ever. Looking “healthy” is especially advantageous for many employees, and having good skin is one of the most visible ways to display good health.
Though eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly will help your skin look good, skin care products that control acne, repair damage, and delay the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles can give men the edge they need in the workplace.
Damage Can Be Painful
Many men who work in outdoor professions, such as ranchers, construction workers, and truckers, are more exposed to the sun, wind, and other elements that can actually create painful conditions on the skin. Truckers may have one side of the face more damaged than the other, because of the sun from the window. Constructions workers may suffer from extreme dryness, flakiness, and even cracking and bleeding.
Soothing these skin problems can make going back to work the next day just a little bit easier. Why suffer with the pain of sunburn, sun damage, rashes, dryness, cracking and bleeding when you don’t have to?
Men Can Use Our Skin Care Too
If you’re a guy and you’re realising the importance of taking care of your skin, we have good news for you. If your other half, or female members of the family are using our skin care products, you can too (it’s ok, we won’t tell).
Five products I’d personally recommend for the man starting out with organic skin care are:
- Aloe-Herb or Citrus Mint Face Cleanser – Aloe Herb for normal skin, Citrus Mint for oilier skin
- Herbal Facial Oil – comes in 3 types, use this as your moisturiser – is packed full of wrinkle busting ingredients
- Rosemary Peppermint Body Wash – refreshing & energising, perfect to use in your morning shower
- Coconut Body Oil – super versatile, can be used on the body, hands and face as a moisturiser, and also doubles as a brilliant massage oil…
- Natural Sunblock – protect your face and body from the sun’s harsh rays with a sunblock that isn’t jam packed full of nasty chemicals
Men – take the plunge and try out some organic skin care today. All the feedback we’ve had from our gents so far is they are loving it. And ladies – do your man a favour and get him over from the dark side into natural organic healthy skin care products. He’ll look and feel all the better for it!
Are you a man using our products, or have a lad in your family who does? We’d love to hear your experience in the comments below or over on Facebook.